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雜談:用Make設定了RSS傳送到Threads / TALK: Forword the RSS Feed to Threads in Make


雜談:用Make設定了RSS傳送到Threads / TALK: Forword the RSS Feed to Threads in Make


在我寫完「RSS自動轉發到Threads跟X (Twitter):使用dlvr.it」之後,dlvr.it就轉變成完全收費的制度,因此自動轉發也跟著無以後繼。最近我總算能騰出時間來撰寫Blog,同時也把Threads API整合到Make平臺裡,讓「布丁布丁吃什麼?」的新文章能夠自動轉發到Threads裡面。至於這個方法是否能夠成功,就要等時間來驗證了。以下就記錄我大致上的做法。


RSS自動轉發到Threads跟X (Twitter):使用dlvr.it / RSS Auto Posting to Threads and X (Twitter): Using dlvr.it

RSS自動轉發到Threads跟X (Twitter):使用dlvr.it / RSS Auto Posting to Threads and X (Twitter): Using dlvr.it


最近我設置好「布丁布丁吃什麼?」的RSS自動轉發到Threads (脆)X (Twitter)了。這一切都得歸功於dlvr.it的新功能!

I have recently set up an RSS auto-forwarding function for Pulipuli's Blog to Threads and X (Twitter). This is all thanks to the new function of dlvr.it!
