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LibreOffice Writer匯出PDF的時候保留空白頁 / Keep Blank Pages When Exporting PDF in Libreoffice Writer

LibreOffice Writer匯出PDF的時候保留空白頁 / Keep Blank Pages When Exporting PDF in Libreoffice Writer


如果你要在LibreOffice作雙面列印,而且要在在匯出PDF的時候記得勾選「Export automatically inserted blank pages」(匯出時自動插入空白頁)喔。

If you want to print double-sided in LibreOffice Writer, remember to check "Export automatically inserted blank pages" when exporting to PDF. 


LibreOffice Writer頁碼重設為1的做法 / How to Reset Page Numbers to 1 in LibreOffice Writer

LibreOffice Writer頁碼重設為1的做法 / How to Reset Page Numbers to 1 in LibreOffice Writer


LibreOffice Writer有時候在設定頁碼重新計數時會發生錯亂。這時候只要改變起始頁碼為2,再重新設定為1,即可將頁碼重置為1。

Sometimes LibreOffice Writer encounters errors when resetting page numbering. In this case, you can simply change the starting page number to 2, and then set it back to 1 to reset the page number to 1. 


關於開放文件格式的版本 / The Versions of Open Document Format (ODF)


關於開放文件格式的版本 / The Versions of Open Document Format (ODF)


雖然現在ODF最新的版本是1.3版,但目前最流行的版本其實是仍是ODF 1.2喔。

Although the latest version of ODF is 1.3, the most popular version is still ODF 1.2.


APA中的區塊引述格式 / Block Quotations in APA Style

APA中的區塊引述格式 / Block Quotations in APA Style


如果論文裡會引述文字超過了40個字,那通常會以區塊引述(block quotation)的形式來表現。在APA的規範中,區塊引述的樣式是左側縮排2個字。若區塊引述中有超過一個以上的段落,則第二個之後的段落開頭需要再縮排兩個字。

If a quotation in a paper exceeds 40 words, it is usually presented as a block quotation. In APA style, a block quotation is indented 0.5 inch from the left margin. If the block quotation has more than one paragraph, the first line of each subsequent paragraph should be indented an additional 0.5 inch.


如何刪除LibreOffice Writer的所有評註? / How to Delete All Comments in Libreoffice Writer?

如何刪除LibreOffice Writer的所有評註? / How to Delete All Comments in Libreoffice Writer?


如果要移除LibreOffice Writer裡面的所有評註,最簡單的方法是在評註上按右鍵,選擇「刪除全部評註」。

To remove all comments in LibreOffice Writer, the easiest method is to right-click on a comment and select "Delete All Comments".


如何在LibreOffice Writer裡使用公式? / How to Use Equations in LibreOffice Writer?

如何在LibreOffice Writer裡使用公式? / How to Use Equations in LibreOffice Writer?



Pressing "fn" along with the F3 key, this trick is really mysterious.


如何編輯ODT檔案? / How to Edit ODT Files?


如何編輯ODT檔案? / How to Edit ODT Files?


如果要編輯ODT (Open Document Text)檔案的話,Linux、MacOS跟Windows等桌面版電腦可以使用LibreOffice Writer;Android跟iOS的使用者可以使用Collabora Office;如果都不想安裝軟體的話,也可以透過瀏覽器使用GroupDocs的Online Document Editor

If you want to edit ODT (Open Document Text) files, users of desktop computers like Linux, MacOS, and Windows can use LibreOffice Writer; Android and iOS users can use Collabora Office; if you do not want to install any software, you can also use GroupDocs' Online Document Editor in browser.


在企業中使用LibreOffice / LibreOffice in Business

在企業中使用LibreOffice / LibreOffice in Business




在LibreOffice Calc直接貼上 / Paste without Import Option Dialog in LibreOffice Calc


在LibreOffice Calc直接貼上 / Paste without Import Option Dialog in LibreOffice Calc


忽然想起來自己為什麼很少用LibreOffice Calc的原因orz


LibreOffice Calc按下Enter進入編輯模式 / Press Enter to Switch to Edit Mode in LibreOffice Calc


LibreOffice Calc按下Enter進入編輯模式 / Press Enter to Switch to Edit Mode in LibreOffice Calc


