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如何編輯ODT檔案? / How to Edit ODT Files?


如何編輯ODT檔案? / How to Edit ODT Files?


如果要編輯ODT (Open Document Text)檔案的話,Linux、MacOS跟Windows等桌面版電腦可以使用LibreOffice Writer;Android跟iOS的使用者可以使用Collabora Office;如果都不想安裝軟體的話,也可以透過瀏覽器使用GroupDocs的Online Document Editor

If you want to edit ODT (Open Document Text) files, users of desktop computers like Linux, MacOS, and Windows can use LibreOffice Writer; Android and iOS users can use Collabora Office; if you do not want to install any software, you can also use GroupDocs' Online Document Editor in browser.
