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AI繪圖教學投影片:AI繪圖教學 x 教AI學習繪圖 / AI Image Generation in Education: From Learning to Draw to Teaching AI to Draw


AI繪圖教學投影片:AI繪圖教學 x 教AI學習繪圖 / AI Image Generation in Education: From Learning to Draw to Teaching AI to Draw


為了讓大家瞭解如何使用提示詞來進行AI繪圖,本次教學以Kera AI為繪圖平台,一步一步帶領大家從簡單的提示詞、提示詞的變化,到使用圖片來引導繪製圖片。最後則是介紹更進階的控制圖片技巧,希望成為大家踏入AI繪圖領域的敲門磚。

To help everyone understand how to use prompts for AI art generation, this tutorial uses Kera AI as the drawing platform and will guide you step-by-step from simple prompts, variations of prompts, to using images as references. Finally, we will introduce more advanced image control techniques, hoping to serve as a stepping stone for everyone entering the field of AI art.

Short URL: https://l.pulipuli.info/24/hsc


檢索擴增生成(RAG)技術的發展現況與文本知識提取的應用 / Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and Its Application in Text Knowledge Extraction


檢索擴增生成(RAG)技術的發展現況與文本知識提取的應用 / Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and Its Application in Text Knowledge Extraction



Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) has become the new darling of the large language model domain, and it's one of those technologies that are easier to understand than to master. This post contains the introduction to RAG's core concepts and applications that I wrote for a proposal. I'm also keeping a copy here on the blog.


現代研究需要現代手段:研究工具彙整 / Modern Research Needs Modern Tools: A Compilation of Research Instruments


現代研究需要現代手段:研究工具彙整 / Modern Research Needs Modern Tools: A Compilation of Research Instruments



In my presentation, "Modern Research Demands Modern Tools: Leveraging Knowledge Management and AI for Effortless Research," I utilized a variety of research tools. For your convenience, I've listed those tools below with additional details. These resources include books, software, websites, and more. Some require payment while others offer free accounts. Please evaluate each option before using it.


現代研究需要現代手段:用知識管理和AI輕鬆做研究! / Modern Research Demands Modern Tools: Leveraging Knowledge Management and AI for Effortless Research!


現代研究需要現代手段:用知識管理和AI輕鬆做研究! / Modern Research Demands Modern Tools: Leveraging Knowledge Management and AI for Effortless Research!


今年10月的時候我去南藝大為研究生們講述了活用圖書館資源、AI工具以及Zotero來撰寫研究論文的方法。有了內建大型語言模型資料庫的協助,例如ScopusSemantic ScholarConsensusElicitSciSpace,現在作研究的方式已經有了很大的轉變了。投影片的內容分成了「研究搜尋篇」與「閱讀寫作篇」兩個部分,以下就來看看這次演講的投影片內容吧。

In October of this year, I gave a presentation at Tainan National University of the Arts to graduate students on how to leverage library resources, AI tools, and Zotero for research paper writing. With the help of databases incorporating large language models, such as Scopus, Semantic Scholar, Consensus, Elicit, and SciSpace, the way we conduct research has been significantly transformed. The presentation was divided into two parts: "Investigate Research" and "Reading and Writing." Let's take a look at the slides from the presentation below.


自行架設大型語言模式應用程式:Dify / Self-Hosting a Large Language Model Application: Dify


自行架設大型語言模式應用程式:Dify / Self-Hosting a Large Language Model Application: Dify



When Coze began to charge fees, what is the next solution for Large Language Model (LLM) application? Will Dify be a better alternative? The actual situation is not as simple as I had imagined!


從生成式AI到脈絡式AI:文學院AI人才培育的反思 / From Generative AI to Contextual AI: Reflections on AI Talent Development in the Faculty of Arts


從生成式AI到脈絡式AI:文學院AI人才培育的反思 / From Generative AI to Contextual AI: Reflections on AI Talent Development in the Faculty of Arts



This is the topic of my speech at the "Smart Humanities Salon" event in June 2024, titled "From Generative AI to Contextual AI: Reflections on AI Talent Development in the Faculty of Arts." In this speech, I reviewed the application of "artificial intelligence" during my course at Tamkang University, questioned the current state of "artificial intelligence" education, and finally proposed three directions for AI talent development in the Faculty of Arts.

Fixed Short URL: http://l.pulipuli.info/24/tku/ai 


人工智慧的發展與應用 / The Development and Application of Artificial Intelligence


人工智慧的發展與應用 / The Development and Application of Artificial Intelligence



Here is a slide extracted from my speech on "The Development and Application of Artificial Intelligence" in July 2024. I discussed the evolution of artificial intelligence from expert systems, data mining, machine learning, and deep learning to generative AI and large language models. I also covered their applications in the fields of education, industry, design, and software.


使用Coze建置聊天機器人的經驗 / Experience in Building Chatbots With Coze


使用Coze建置聊天機器人的經驗 / Experience in Building Chatbots With Coze


我在2024年5月為2024淡江大學數位轉型暨淨零轉型成果觀摩展建置的「希希助教 in TKU DILS 2024MS3AP」後,陸陸續續使用Coze建置了許多聊天機器人,並探索RAG與知識庫等現今LLM領域的重要議題。然而因為Coze的收費政策調整,現在這些機器人已經不能用了。

After establishing "Sissi Assistant in TKU DILS 2024MS3AP" in May 2024, I gradually used Coze to build many chatbots and explored important topics in the current LLM field like RAG and knowledge bases. However, due to changes in Coze's pricing policy, these chatbots are no longer usable.


請ChatGPT幫我改Blog的文章 / ChatGPT Reviews My Blog Articles


請ChatGPT幫我改Blog的文章 / ChatGPT Reviews My Blog Articles




AI老師教教我!用AI改報告 / How to Get Report Revision Suggestions from Chat-based AI?


AI老師教教我!用AI改報告 / How to Get Report Revision Suggestions from Chat-based AI?




新的圖片索引工具:CLIP Interrogator / Can CLIP Interrogator be an AI Indexer?


新的圖片索引工具:CLIP Interrogator / Can CLIP Interrogator be an AI Indexer?




以圖製圖的AI外掛:Synthesys X / Synthesys X: Generate New Images based on the Original Image


以圖製圖的AI外掛:Synthesys X / Synthesys X: Generate New Images based on the Original Image


