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成為國家認可的圖書館員吧!一個人備考也能開的AI讀書會 / Become a Nationally Certified Librarian! An AI Study Group for Solo Learners


成為國家認可的圖書館員吧!一個人備考也能開的AI讀書會 / Become a Nationally Certified Librarian! An AI Study Group for Solo Learners



What kind of jobs can you get with a degree in Library and Information Science? While there are many different opinions, "librarian" remains the primary career goal for individuals trained in this field. In Taiwan, among the various paths to becoming a librarian, securing a civil servant position specializing in "Library and Information Management" through national examinations is the ideal librarian role for many. So, how can one pass the civil service exam to become a librarian? What should one study? How should one prepare? Let's address these questions in this lecture.

Fixed Short URL: https://l.pulipuli.info/24/dils/moe 


圖書館與開放原始碼的共生之道:社群協力促進共同成長 / The Library and Open Source: A Symbiotic Relationship for Community Growth


圖書館與開放原始碼的共生之道:社群協力促進共同成長 / The Library and Open Source: A Symbiotic Relationship for Community Growth



This is the theme of the lecture I gave at the library of Tunghai University in July 2024: "The Library and Open Source: A Symbiotic Relationship for Community Growth." Here are the slides and related links.

Fixed Short URL: http://l.pulipuli.info/24/thu 
