AI繪圖教學投影片:AI繪圖教學 x 教AI學習繪圖 / AI Image Generation in Education: From Learning to Draw to Teaching AI to Draw
AI繪圖教學投影片:AI繪圖教學 x 教AI學習繪圖 / AI Image Generation in Education: From Learning to Draw to Teaching AI to Draw
為了讓大家瞭解如何使用提示詞來進行AI繪圖,本次教學以Kera AI為繪圖平台,一步一步帶領大家從簡單的提示詞、提示詞的變化,到使用圖片來引導繪製圖片。最後則是介紹更進階的控制圖片技巧,希望成為大家踏入AI繪圖領域的敲門磚。
To help everyone understand how to use prompts for AI art generation, this tutorial uses Kera AI as the drawing platform and will guide you step-by-step from simple prompts, variations of prompts, to using images as references. Finally, we will introduce more advanced image control techniques, hoping to serve as a stepping stone for everyone entering the field of AI art.
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