
長久典藏的議題:「兩種傳統」以及美國檔案專業 / The Permanence of Provenance: The “Two Traditions” and the American Archival Profession


這篇論文是整理19世紀時美國歷史學者如何將歐洲檔案原則帶入美國,在20世紀時公共檔案傳統(public archives tradition)的盛行促進美國檔案館的成立,以及歷史手稿傳統(historical manuscripts tradition)的沒落。

書目 / Bibliography

Hirsch, R. (2010). The Permanence of Provenance: The “Two Traditions” and the American Archival Profession. Journal of Archival Organization, 8(1), 54-72. doi:10.1080/15332748.2010.486754

摘要 / Abstract

This article examines the claims that the American archival profession owes its existence to the unique combination of a “historical manuscripts tradition” and a “public archives tradition” over the course of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It also evaluates the differences and similarities between the traditions’ theories of practice and ideologies in early twentieth century American writings on archives and the Society of American Archivists’ “basic manuals” that defined much professional theory and practice in the late twentieth century. These findings have contemporary implications, as those seeking to define modern archival theory often erroneously use the origins of the American archival profession to support their arguments.

這篇文章檢視了美國檔案專業宣稱自己是19世紀至20世紀中「歷史手稿傳統」(historical manuscripts tradition)與「公共檔案傳統」(public archives tradition)兩種傳統的結合。這篇文章也根據20世紀早期美國的檔案著作與美國檔案學會(Society of American Archivisit, SAA)的手冊中對於專業理論與實務的定義,回顧了兩種傳統理論在實務(practice)與意識型態(ideologies)的相似與差異。這對當代有重要意義,因為那些試著定義現代檔案理論的人時常錯誤引用美國檔案專業的來源來支持他們的論點。

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