大學生檔案使用指導 / Teaching Undergraduates to Think Archivally
This is a course reading note. This article applied archival materials and theories to design a well-organized teaching plan. There are two course syllabuses in 28 pages appendix. Although the research method of this article is not so scientific like a education research, it’s a good beginning toward archival education research.
書目 / Bibliography
Nimer, C. L., & Daines III, J. G. (2012). Teaching Undergraduates to Think Archivally. Journal of Archival Organization, 10(1), 4-44. doi:10.1080/15332748.2012.680418
摘要 / Abstract
- 這份個案研究描述了L. Tom Perry特藏的建立以及一堂教導大學生檔案素養(archival literacy skills)的課程。
- 這篇文章回顧了目前的檔案教學以及描述這些檔案要如何用於授課內容。
- 文中也敘述如何評估課堂的成果與效益。
- 檔案素養 (archival literacy)
- 檔案知能 (archival intelligence)
- 檔案教學 (archival instruction)
- 課程設計 (course design)
- 課程整合 (course integration)
筆記 / Note
- 報告投影片:Google Drive、One Drive
- PDF註解:Box.net