
在LibreOffice Writer中將頁碼從雙面列印改成單面列印的方法 / Changing Page Numbering From Duplex Printing to Simplex Printing in LibreOffice Writer

在LibreOffice Writer中將頁碼從雙面列印改成單面列印的方法 / Changing Page Numbering From Duplex Printing to Simplex Printing in LibreOffice Writer



In the master-thesis-style.odt file, you can modify the page style to switch from duplex to simplex printing for page numbering.


LibreOffice Writer中出現了「錯誤:找不到參照來源」是什麼意思? / What is the Error Message "Error: Reference source not found" in LibreOffice Writer

LibreOffice Writer中出現了「錯誤:找不到參照來源」是什麼意思? / What is the Error Message "Error: Reference source not found" in LibreOffice Writer



The error message "Error: Reference source not found" means that the figure or table originally cross-referenced has been removed.


LibreOffice Writer中為什麼有些行的兩端對齊間距特別寬? / Why Are the Spaces in Some Lines With Justified Alignment Particularly Wide in LibreOffice Writer?

LibreOffice Writer中為什麼有些行的兩端對齊間距特別寬? / Why Are the Spaces in Some Lines With Justified Alignment Particularly Wide in LibreOffice Writer?



Because there are excessive spaces within the line.


在LibreOffice Writer如何隱藏特定樣式的文字? / How to Hide Text With a Specific Style in LibreOffice Writer?


在LibreOffice Writer如何隱藏特定樣式的文字? / How to Hide Text With a Specific Style in LibreOffice Writer?



By checking the "Hidden" option in the "Text Effects" of the paragraph style, you can hide text that has been applied with that style.


在LibreOffice Writer如何找尋已套用特定樣式的文字? / How to Find Text With a Specific Style Applied in LibreOffice Writer?

在LibreOffice Writer如何找尋已套用特定樣式的文字? / How to Find Text With a Specific Style Applied in LibreOffice Writer?



In the "Find and Replace" option under "Edit", you can use "Paragraph Style" to search for text with a specified style applied.
