
成為國家認可的圖書館員吧!一個人備考也能開的AI讀書會 / Become a Nationally Certified Librarian! An AI Study Group for Solo Learners


成為國家認可的圖書館員吧!一個人備考也能開的AI讀書會 / Become a Nationally Certified Librarian! An AI Study Group for Solo Learners



What kind of jobs can you get with a degree in Library and Information Science? While there are many different opinions, "librarian" remains the primary career goal for individuals trained in this field. In Taiwan, among the various paths to becoming a librarian, securing a civil servant position specializing in "Library and Information Management" through national examinations is the ideal librarian role for many. So, how can one pass the civil service exam to become a librarian? What should one study? How should one prepare? Let's address these questions in this lecture.

Fixed Short URL: https://l.pulipuli.info/24/dils/moe 


雜談:回顧2024的「布丁布丁吃什麼?」 / TALK: A Review of Pulipuli’s Blog in 2024


雜談:回顧2024的「布丁布丁吃什麼?」 / TALK: A Review of Pulipuli’s Blog in 2024




如何用Felo AI搜尋特定網站的內容 / How to Search Specific Website Content Using Felo AI


如何用Felo AI搜尋特定網站的內容 / How to Search Specific Website Content Using Felo AI


用關鍵字檢索站內資訊時,你總是看到大量分散的網頁,不知道怎麽整合最需要的資料嗎?這篇教你用Felo Search來建立站內的「問答機器人」!

Are you tired of keyword searches returning tons of scattered web pages, making it difficult to consolidate the information you need? This post will teach you how to use Felo Search to create an internal "Q&A chatbot"!


離開抱抱臉: 讓Dify擁抱Ollama / Leaving Hugging Face: Embracing Ollama with Dify


離開抱抱臉: 讓Dify擁抱Ollama / Leaving Hugging Face: Embracing Ollama with Dify


在「自行架設大型語言模式應用程式:Dify」這篇我講到我在Dify裡面使用Hugging Face API作文字嵌入(embedding),但啟動等待跟限速的限制降低了使用效率。這次我們把文字嵌入的工作交給自行架設的Ollama,讓我們來看看自行架設到底可以帶來什麼效益吧。

In the article "Self-Hosting a Large Language Model Application: Dify," I discussed using the Hugging Face API for text embedding within Dify. However, startup latency and rate limiting reduced efficiency. This time, we'll offload the text embedding task to a self-hosted Ollama instance. Let's explore the benefits of self-hosting.


雜談:來自架Dify v0.12.1吧! / TALK: Let's Self-Host Dify v0.12.1!


雜談:來自架Dify v0.12.1吧! / TALK: Let's Self-Host Dify v0.12.1!


自從上次講到想要從Dify v0.6.14升級之後,這次就來試著安裝看看吧。


希希助教祝大家聖誕快樂 / TA. Sissi Wishes Everyone a Merry Christmas



希希助教祝大家聖誕快樂 / TA. Sissi Wishes Everyone a Merry Christmas





檢索擴增生成(RAG)技術的發展現況與文本知識提取的應用 / Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and Its Application in Text Knowledge Extraction


檢索擴增生成(RAG)技術的發展現況與文本知識提取的應用 / Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and Its Application in Text Knowledge Extraction



Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) has become the new darling of the large language model domain, and it's one of those technologies that are easier to understand than to master. This post contains the introduction to RAG's core concepts and applications that I wrote for a proposal. I'm also keeping a copy here on the blog.


雜談:用Make設定了RSS傳送到Threads / TALK: Forword the RSS Feed to Threads in Make


雜談:用Make設定了RSS傳送到Threads / TALK: Forword the RSS Feed to Threads in Make


在我寫完「RSS自動轉發到Threads跟X (Twitter):使用dlvr.it」之後,dlvr.it就轉變成完全收費的制度,因此自動轉發也跟著無以後繼。最近我總算能騰出時間來撰寫Blog,同時也把Threads API整合到Make平臺裡,讓「布丁布丁吃什麼?」的新文章能夠自動轉發到Threads裡面。至於這個方法是否能夠成功,就要等時間來驗證了。以下就記錄我大致上的做法。


Home Assistant自動化的限制:無法偵測長時間狀態 / Limitations of Home Assistant Automation: Inability to Detect Long-Duration States


Home Assistant自動化的限制:無法偵測長時間狀態 / Limitations of Home Assistant Automation: Inability to Detect Long-Duration States


我本來想在Home Assistant設定自動化「如果實體的狀態維持[關閉]超過24小時,就把它設為[開啟]」,結果HA卻一直沒能觸發自動化。最後我把條件改成時間模式定期檢查、觸發,然後把條件設定在「且如果」裡面,這樣自動化才能夠正常運作。

I was trying to set up an automation in Home Assistant that would turn an entity [on] if its state remained [off] for more than 24 hours. However, the automation never triggered. I eventually got it working by changing it to a time-based automation that checks periodically and then using an condition to check the entity's state.


雜談:是時候該來處理一下Dify的問題了 / TALK: It's Time to Address the Issues with Dify


雜談:是時候該來處理一下Dify的問題了 / TALK: It's Time to Address the Issues with Dify




現代研究需要現代手段:研究工具彙整 / Modern Research Needs Modern Tools: A Compilation of Research Instruments


現代研究需要現代手段:研究工具彙整 / Modern Research Needs Modern Tools: A Compilation of Research Instruments



In my presentation, "Modern Research Demands Modern Tools: Leveraging Knowledge Management and AI for Effortless Research," I utilized a variety of research tools. For your convenience, I've listed those tools below with additional details. These resources include books, software, websites, and more. Some require payment while others offer free accounts. Please evaluate each option before using it.


雜談:用Chromecast接收器播放螢幕畫面並不容易 / Talk: Casting Your Screen to a Chromecast Device Can Be Challenging


雜談:用Chromecast接收器播放螢幕畫面並不容易 / Talk: Casting Your Screen to a Chromecast Device Can Be Challenging




現代研究需要現代手段:用知識管理和AI輕鬆做研究! / Modern Research Demands Modern Tools: Leveraging Knowledge Management and AI for Effortless Research!


現代研究需要現代手段:用知識管理和AI輕鬆做研究! / Modern Research Demands Modern Tools: Leveraging Knowledge Management and AI for Effortless Research!


今年10月的時候我去南藝大為研究生們講述了活用圖書館資源、AI工具以及Zotero來撰寫研究論文的方法。有了內建大型語言模型資料庫的協助,例如ScopusSemantic ScholarConsensusElicitSciSpace,現在作研究的方式已經有了很大的轉變了。投影片的內容分成了「研究搜尋篇」與「閱讀寫作篇」兩個部分,以下就來看看這次演講的投影片內容吧。

In October of this year, I gave a presentation at Tainan National University of the Arts to graduate students on how to leverage library resources, AI tools, and Zotero for research paper writing. With the help of databases incorporating large language models, such as Scopus, Semantic Scholar, Consensus, Elicit, and SciSpace, the way we conduct research has been significantly transformed. The presentation was divided into two parts: "Investigate Research" and "Reading and Writing." Let's take a look at the slides from the presentation below.
