
從生成式AI到脈絡式AI:文學院AI人才培育的反思 / From Generative AI to Contextual AI: Reflections on AI Talent Development in the Faculty of Arts


從生成式AI到脈絡式AI:文學院AI人才培育的反思 / From Generative AI to Contextual AI: Reflections on AI Talent Development in the Faculty of Arts



This is the topic of my speech at the "Smart Humanities Salon" event in June 2024, titled "From Generative AI to Contextual AI: Reflections on AI Talent Development in the Faculty of Arts." In this speech, I reviewed the application of "artificial intelligence" during my course at Tamkang University, questioned the current state of "artificial intelligence" education, and finally proposed three directions for AI talent development in the Faculty of Arts.

Fixed Short URL: http://l.pulipuli.info/24/tku/ai 


雜談:換了LibreOffice Writer新版本,卻變成頁碼錯誤 / Talk: After Switching to the New Version of LibreOffice Writer, the Page Numbers Are Incorrect

雜談:換了LibreOffice Writer新版本,卻變成頁碼錯誤 / Talk: After Switching to the New Version of LibreOffice Writer, the Page Numbers Are Incorrect


LibreOffice Writer版本的頁碼規則跟之前的好像不太一樣,正在維修中。


當 xAI 碰上數位人文 / When xAI Meets Digital Humanities


當 xAI 碰上數位人文 / When xAI Meets Digital Humanities


這是我在2024年5月時的演講「當 xAI 碰上數位人文」。主要是將可解釋性的人工智慧應用在數位人文分析上。

This is my speech from May 2024, titled "When xAI Meets Digital Humanities." It mainly focuses on applying explainable artificial intelligence in digital humanities analysis.

Fixed Short URLhttp://l.pulipuli.info/24/xai 


RSS自動轉發到Threads跟X (Twitter):使用dlvr.it / RSS Auto Posting to Threads and X (Twitter): Using dlvr.it

RSS自動轉發到Threads跟X (Twitter):使用dlvr.it / RSS Auto Posting to Threads and X (Twitter): Using dlvr.it


最近我設置好「布丁布丁吃什麼?」的RSS自動轉發到Threads (脆)X (Twitter)了。這一切都得歸功於dlvr.it的新功能!

I have recently set up an RSS auto-forwarding function for Pulipuli's Blog to Threads and X (Twitter). This is all thanks to the new function of dlvr.it!


人工智慧的發展與應用 / The Development and Application of Artificial Intelligence


人工智慧的發展與應用 / The Development and Application of Artificial Intelligence



Here is a slide extracted from my speech on "The Development and Application of Artificial Intelligence" in July 2024. I discussed the evolution of artificial intelligence from expert systems, data mining, machine learning, and deep learning to generative AI and large language models. I also covered their applications in the fields of education, industry, design, and software.


雜談:等等,這好像不是鹿乃子? / TALK: Wait, This Doesn't Look Like Shikanoko?


雜談:等等,這好像不是鹿乃子? / TALK: Wait, This Doesn't Look Like Shikanoko?




使用Coze建置聊天機器人的經驗 / Experience in Building Chatbots With Coze


使用Coze建置聊天機器人的經驗 / Experience in Building Chatbots With Coze


我在2024年5月為2024淡江大學數位轉型暨淨零轉型成果觀摩展建置的「希希助教 in TKU DILS 2024MS3AP」後,陸陸續續使用Coze建置了許多聊天機器人,並探索RAG與知識庫等現今LLM領域的重要議題。然而因為Coze的收費政策調整,現在這些機器人已經不能用了。

After establishing "Sissi Assistant in TKU DILS 2024MS3AP" in May 2024, I gradually used Coze to build many chatbots and explored important topics in the current LLM field like RAG and knowledge bases. However, due to changes in Coze's pricing policy, these chatbots are no longer usable.
