RAG簡介投影片:現況、原理、發展 / RAG Introduction Slides: Current Status, Mechanisms, and Development
RAG簡介投影片:現況、原理、發展 / RAG Introduction Slides: Current Status, Mechanisms, and Development
這份投影片對檢索生成增強(Retrieval-Augmented Generation, RAG)的觀念作一個容易理解的介紹,也是「資訊檢索的AI革新:從資訊檢索到檢索增強生成」這篇的簡化版本。一般說到AI大家都會想到創造力、彷彿真人的表現,但RAG本質上更接近資訊檢索的問題。把它當作資料庫就很容易理解RAG的用途了。
This presentation provides an accessible introduction to the concept of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), and is a simplified version of "The AI Revolution in Information Retrieval: From Information Retrieval to Retrieval-Augmented Generation". When people talk about AI, they often think of creativity and human-like performance, but RAG is essentially closer to the problems of information retrieval. Thinking of it as a database makes it easier to understand the purpose of RAG.
Fixed Short URL: https://l.pulipuli.info/24/nccu/rag