
現代研究需要現代手段:研究工具彙整 / Modern Research Needs Modern Tools: A Compilation of Research Instruments


現代研究需要現代手段:研究工具彙整 / Modern Research Needs Modern Tools: A Compilation of Research Instruments



In my presentation, "Modern Research Demands Modern Tools: Leveraging Knowledge Management and AI for Effortless Research," I utilized a variety of research tools. For your convenience, I've listed those tools below with additional details. These resources include books, software, websites, and more. Some require payment while others offer free accounts. Please evaluate each option before using it.


雜談:用Chromecast接收器播放螢幕畫面並不容易 / Talk: Casting Your Screen to a Chromecast Device Can Be Challenging


雜談:用Chromecast接收器播放螢幕畫面並不容易 / Talk: Casting Your Screen to a Chromecast Device Can Be Challenging




現代研究需要現代手段:用知識管理和AI輕鬆做研究! / Modern Research Demands Modern Tools: Leveraging Knowledge Management and AI for Effortless Research!


現代研究需要現代手段:用知識管理和AI輕鬆做研究! / Modern Research Demands Modern Tools: Leveraging Knowledge Management and AI for Effortless Research!


今年10月的時候我去南藝大為研究生們講述了活用圖書館資源、AI工具以及Zotero來撰寫研究論文的方法。有了內建大型語言模型資料庫的協助,例如ScopusSemantic ScholarConsensusElicitSciSpace,現在作研究的方式已經有了很大的轉變了。投影片的內容分成了「研究搜尋篇」與「閱讀寫作篇」兩個部分,以下就來看看這次演講的投影片內容吧。

In October of this year, I gave a presentation at Tainan National University of the Arts to graduate students on how to leverage library resources, AI tools, and Zotero for research paper writing. With the help of databases incorporating large language models, such as Scopus, Semantic Scholar, Consensus, Elicit, and SciSpace, the way we conduct research has been significantly transformed. The presentation was divided into two parts: "Investigate Research" and "Reading and Writing." Let's take a look at the slides from the presentation below.


隨著12月到來而闖入的希希助教 / TA. Sissi’s Arrival in December



隨著12月到來而闖入的希希助教 / TA. Sissi’s Arrival in December




為什麼我放在Docker Hub的映像檔不能用了? / Why My Docker Image on Docker Hub Cannot Be Used?


為什麼我放在Docker Hub的映像檔不能用了? / Why My Docker Image on Docker Hub Cannot Be Used?


我們現在能開心地使用各種Docker環境,都是多虧了Docker Hub保存了這些Docker映像檔。Docker Hub也可以稱得上是賽博菩薩了吧?但這免費資源可不是讓你毫無限制的使用喔!

We can now happily use various Docker environments thanks to Docker Hub saving all these Docker images. You could say Docker Hub is like a Cyber Bodhisattva, right? However, this free resource is not for you to use without limit!


在Ewant育網「聽」課 / Listening to Ewant Courses: An Auditory Learning Experience


在Ewant育網「聽」課 / Listening to Ewant Courses: An Auditory Learning Experience



If you find the knowledge content of interview-based and casual podcasts insufficient, you might consider switching to Ewant and listening to lectures given by university professors.


LibreOffice Writer的交叉參照、Zotero引用跟樣式在哪裡? / How to View References, Zotero Citations and Styles in LibreOffice Writer?


LibreOffice Writer的交叉參照、Zotero引用跟樣式在哪裡? / How to View References, Zotero Citations and Styles in LibreOffice Writer?


使用LibreOffice Writer的時候,記得在「檢視」裡面打開「格式設定標記」跟「欄位背景色彩」。這樣就能察覺有沒有多餘的斷行、Zotero的引用和圖表交叉參照的位置。此外,還可以勾選「樣式」的「突顯」來檢查內文有沒有設定成正確的樣式。

When you are using LibreOffice Writer, remember to go to "View," and then enable "Formatting Marks" and "Field Shadings." This allows you to see unnecessary line breaks and the positions of Zotero citations and references for figures and tables. In addition, you can check "Spotlight" under "Styles" to check whether the text has the correct styles applied.
