In research paper, if you want to cite table or figure from another paper, you have to note the source at foot of the table or the figure. I developed a citation style of Zotero to create the source note. This article describes how to use it.
資料來源註 / Note From Another Source

資料來源註英文以"Note. From…",中文以「資料來源:……」開始。但是書目資訊的呈現方式有別於參考文獻之寫法,將書名或是文章篇名提到最前面,各資訊項目之間均以逗號分割。
Chen, C.-M., Chen, Y.-T., Hong, C.-M., Liao, C.-W., & Huang, C.-M. (2012). Developing a Taiwan library history digital library with reader knowledge archiving and sharing mechanisms based on the DSpace platform. The Electronic Library, 30(3), 426-442. doi:10.1108/0264047121124168
Note. From "Developing a Taiwan library history digital library with reader knowledge archiving and sharing mechanisms based on the DSpace platform," by Chen, C.-M., Chen, Y.-T., Hong, C.-M., Liao, C.-W., & Huang, C.-M., 2012, The Electronic Library, 30(3), 426-442, doi:10.1108/02640471211241681.
下載與安裝 / Download and Install
使用 / Usage
- 選擇書目後按右鍵,選擇「從選取的項目來建出參考書目」
- 在建立參考書目對話視窗中,選擇APA資料來源註的引用文獻樣式「Chinese APA 5th edition note from」,選擇輸出格式為「Bibliography」,輸出模式為「複製到剪貼簿」,然後按下OK。
- 在書目上按右鍵,「加入筆記」。
- 然後再把資料來源註貼到筆記中。
這樣未來要引用時,就可以從筆記直接複製、貼上到論文中了。 - 複製到論文的引用圖片後面使用。
結語:APA第六版資料來源註格式不同 / Conclusion: APA 6th Updated the Format of Note From Another Source
根據How to Caption Tables & Figures from Another Source這篇的介紹,APA 6th的資料來源註改成了:
Note. Descriptive note. Adapted [or Reprinted] from “Title of Article,” by F. M. Author and C. D. Author, year, Title of Journal, volume, p. xx. Copyright year by the Name of Copyright Holder. Adapted with permission.
Note. Values are percentages. Reprinted from “Hope and Social Support as Resilience Factors Against Psychological Distress of Mothers Who Care for Children With Chronic Physical Conditions,” by T. V. Horton and J. L. Wallander, 2001, Rehabilitation Psychology, 46, p. 387. Copyright 2001 by the Educational Publishing Foundation. Adapted with permission.
其中最重要的就是多了一個欄位:「Descriptive note」。而目前Zotero在引用時並沒有考量到資料來源註,所以這部分比較難以實作。