
在LibreOffice Writer如何找尋已套用特定樣式的文字? / How to Find Text With a Specific Style Applied in LibreOffice Writer?

在LibreOffice Writer如何找尋已套用特定樣式的文字? / How to Find Text With a Specific Style Applied in LibreOffice Writer?



In the "Find and Replace" option under "Edit", you can use "Paragraph Style" to search for text with a specified style applied.


如何刪除LibreOffice Writer的所有評註? / How to Delete All Comments in Libreoffice Writer?

如何刪除LibreOffice Writer的所有評註? / How to Delete All Comments in Libreoffice Writer?


如果要移除LibreOffice Writer裡面的所有評註,最簡單的方法是在評註上按右鍵,選擇「刪除全部評註」。

To remove all comments in LibreOffice Writer, the easiest method is to right-click on a comment and select "Delete All Comments".


為什麼Zotero用APA樣式插入引用之後,日期後面會出現a或b? / Why Does a Letter Like ‘a’ or ‘b’ Appear After the Date When Inserts a Citation via Zotero in APA Style?


為什麼Zotero用APA樣式插入引用之後,日期後面會出現a或b? / Why Does a Letter Like ‘a’ or ‘b’ Appear After the Date When Inserts a Citation via Zotero in APA Style?



According to APA style guidelines, if there are publications with the same author and the same date (primarily the year), in-text citations need to include letters like 'a', 'b' to distinguish them. Zotero might just be following this rule.


在文件插入Zotero引用的時候,如何只引用年份? / How to Insert Year Only Citations with Zotero?


在文件插入Zotero引用的時候,如何只引用年份? / How to Insert Year Only Citations with Zotero?


插入引用時,記得勾選「省略作者」(Suppress Author)。

When inserting a citation, remember to check "Suppress Author."


APA樣式文內引用的兩種類型 / Parenthetical Citation and Narrative Citation in the text in APA Style


APA樣式文內引用的兩種類型 / Parenthetical Citation and Narrative Citation in the text in APA Style



As the method of writing a thesis varies, the format of in-text citations can also vary. Let's see how to cite someone else's research within the text under the APA style guidelines.


讓AI繪圖成為你的教學利器:Stable Diffusion 工作坊 / Let AI Drawing Become Your Teaching Tool: Stable Diffusion Workshop

讓AI繪圖成為你的教學利器:Stable Diffusion 工作坊 / Let AI Drawing Become Your Teaching Tool: Stable Diffusion Workshop


這是之前在「人工智慧於教學實務應用工作坊之生成式人工智慧繪圖與教學應用」中講述「讓AI繪圖成為你的教學利器:Stable Diffusion工作坊」的投影片跟相關教材的記錄,供有需要的朋友使用。


Stable Diffusion工作坊演講記錄 / Stable Diffusion Workshop Record


Stable Diffusion工作坊演講記錄 / Stable Diffusion Workshop Record


感謝政大圖檔所的邀請,總算完成了「人工智慧於教學實務應用工作坊之生成式人工智慧繪圖與教學應用」中的「讓AI繪圖成為你的教學利器:Stable Diffusion工作坊」。這邊記錄一下活動訊息。
